About ENSP's Teaching
National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca
Since its foundation in 1954, ENSP has sought to meet and expand its commitment to the social needs of health professionals. During the 1970s and 1980s, ENSP/Fiocruz became one of the main institutions to promote the debate on the need for health reform and a public and universal health system. During these decades, Stricto Sensu postgraduate programs (master's degree in 1977 and PhD in 1980) were consolidated, and new lato sensu courses (residency, specialization) were developed.
In 1998, ENSP launched its first Distance Education program (EAD/ENSP/Fiocruz), and in the 2000s, it introduced the first professional master´s degree courses. Both experiences are strategic initiatives for training and qualification in health, offering postgraduate opportunities to health system workers in an integrated manner with their work processes. Based on this, they aim to contribute to the construction and consolidation of the Unified Health System (SUS) by training professionals committed to effectiveness, comprehensiveness, and equity for system improvement.
Over the years, ENSP has played a highly relevant role in establishing and disseminating the paradigm of health knowledge and action in the country—becoming the institution with the largest set of programs focused on Public Health in Latin America. The institution plays a strategic role in several structural networks in the health field, both nationally and internationally. Notably, ENSP serves as the Executive Secretariat for key networks, including the Network of Schools and Training Centers in Public Health (RedEscola).