Scholarships And Grants

The scholarship is a stimulus component to the student for his academic training. There are usually scholarships available through Capes / Social Demand, CNPq and Faperj, in addition to ENSP / Fiocruz scholarships. The scholarships are distributed according to availability each year and according to the rules defined by the funding agencies. But it is not an obligation of the institution to guarantee scholarship for all eligible students.
The criteria are established by the development agencies (CNPq, CAPES and Faperj), according to normative instruction approved by the ENTR Stricto Sensu General Postgraduate Committee. Academic criteria are also applied for the classification and definition of the scholarship holders, either for scholarships from development agencies or for the ENSP / Fiocruz scholarships, which is attributed to each Postgraduate Program.
Matches in the registration do not allow the award of scholarship.
The graduate may lose the scholarship if:
- obtain concept C in two disciplines;
- do not register without informing you of your situation.
Sandwich doctorate scholarship
Handbag note 10 Faperj
Postdoctoral scholarship
Information on scholarships and grants -