Professional Graduate Program in Public Health

About the Program

The Professional Postgraduate Program in Public Health (PPGSP-P) at the National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca (ENSP) is the largest professional program in public health in the country. It was established in 2002, initially linked to the academic program. In 2019, it gained its own autonomy, with its own regulations and accredited faculty. Over more than 20 years, the program has experienced significant growth in the number and variety of thematic classes, enrolled students, and graduates from diverse regions and institutions across Brazil. The program is publicly funded and operates through partnerships with public institutions that, through institutional cooperation, support financing and identify relevant problems for investigation.

The objective of the PPGSP-P is to train qualified and reflective professionals who drive changes in their work environments by adopting new concepts and practices, developing applicable products to improve these systems. Professionals trained by PPGSP-P should be capable of problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork, and proposing improvements in the quality of work processes and the products and services provided within the Unified Health System (SUS).

PPGSP-P has been consolidating itself as a program of excellence (Grade 5), the highest rating in CAPES' 2017-2020 evaluation. In 2023, the Professional Doctorate program was incorporated into PPGSP-P, expanding its capacity for public health education.

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